I Love You, I'm Sorry, Please Help Me, Thank You

In the back of my book I wrote out a couple pages of acknowledgments. I always enjoyed this part of a book or, in the old days of my youth, the liner notes on an album where you get a rare bit of personal insight into the people that helped to shape whatever you were reading or listening to. I’m extraordinarily lucky to have so many incredible people in my life that encourage me and push me forward. If you look around and find that you are lacking in that caliber of friendship I highly suggest you hit up the people listed below. They’re all dope and I think we can share. Thanks to everyone that has been so kind to me over what was an incredibly difficult year or two. Y’all rock.

I couldn’t possibly thank everyone with the sort of eloquence or properly sized typeface that they deserve, but I will try and include some very important people in my life that helped to make this book a reality.

Andrew Monroe (Author of A Leaf and Pebble) has made me a better human. I owe him a great deal and this book is just one more thing he has pushed me to finish in a list so long it could be its own book. 

Nick Schmitto is my music producer (NU ERA Beats), my confidant, and most importantly, one of my very best and closest friends.

Jordan Herring is the type of person that you leave every conversation feeling better for having spoken to him. He is a genuinely great human and a fantastic friend.

Matt McCabe has served as a counselor and best friend in times when I was very much in need of both. He also makes steak so good that I feel inferior in his kitchen.

Joseph, Donna,  Bethany, Tyler, Matthew, and Morgan Monroe (Andrew too) basically adopted me into their family and made me an honorary Monroe. They are fiercely loyal and I feel as though they would all do well in a knife fight, should that situation arise.

My Mimi and Papaw have both helped so much with my daughter over the years as I stumble through parenthood blind, deaf and very very dumb.

Christeen has been a rock solid friend in a town where such things are rare, and that guy Reece is amazing and doesn’t make fun of me for knowing nothing about cars.

Doni (author of Even if it Kills Me, which is fantastically motivating, hilarious, and so well written) and his wonderful wife, Shelley support me in every single thing I chase and I love them both so much.

Andrew Brandt included me in his book (In the Fog) which obligates me to mention him here. So thank you, and you’re welcome.

Ryan, Katie, Kaia, Hayden and Owen are all so supportive of my music and are some of my favorite people.

There’s so many other people I can’t list and even more people that I genuinely don’t like so I didn’t include them.  Thanks to everyone I missed and thank you, random stranger, for reading my book and my exceedingly lengthy acknowledgments page. It’s because of you that I am able to continue to create and I’m thankful. We would probably be friends. Cheers.

Also, while not in the book, I’m so thankful to Emily and Amanda who I’ve never actually met. They both continue to pimp my music and book on their socials which makes my heart so happy. I’m also thankful to Caitlin for her kindness, affection and encouragement as I struggled figuring out how to promote and distribute this damned book while also stressing about an album that I am currently still very stressed about. She was one of the first people to get a physical copy of the book and she showed disproportionate excitement in said receipt of the paperback which was appreciated.

You all rock *Heart emoji*

Also, if you want to read the book this is written in, Get it here: NO-MOD (IT’S FREAKING FREE til Wednesday 3-25-20)

The title of this blog is from an incredible song written by the inimitable Bad Books. They can be found here: Bad Books

Derek Porterfield