I care who you pray upon

I made a music video that deals with this topic. The song is called “Lies and Light” and it’s off my latest album Watch it here:

Prosperity doctrine upsets me more than Jeff Bezos. Sure, controlling tens of billions of dollars and mistreating the workers below you is bad. I don’t want to take away from how wasted his wealth is, but I see it as so much worse to leverage faith into an enterprise of exploitation. The people I reference in the video linked above are some of the most evil people to be given screen time. They’ve garnered the attention of millions that are chasing spiritual fulfillment and in its stead, men like Kenneth Copeland and Pat Robertson and Joel Osteen and countless others line their pockets with the dollars of those less fortunate. 

It should be sickening to ever see a millionaire pastor. Whatever your faith tells you of God, it should never foster a belief that he rewards the greedy and the exploitative. That isn’t faith, it’s avarice of the sort that destroys the tenuous balance between us all on this crazy planet. 

I am under no disillusionment that my album or book or this video will do anything to tilt the scales of attention and monetary generosity away from these leeches, but I hope that I can at the very least shine a light on the disgusting underbelly of church as a business. 

I don’t give a shit who you pray to. I care who you pray upon.


I will not be generating anymore traffic for these horrific excuses for pastors by linking their websites or anything here. You can feel free to google the egregious sums they’ve conned people out of yourself. 

Derek Porterfield