
Tonight I joined some friends at the 806 to see a fantastically talented band perform their new record.

The band?

Flashbulb Fires.

And if you have yet to hear them, check out that link. They’re pretty great at what they do.

In fact, they’re so good at what they do, they were able to trigger a phenomenon known only as “Awesotasticlism”.

What is Awesotasticlism?

I’m glad you asked! Awesotasticlism is a word I made up. It describes an experience or situation that is able to rip a person out of their mundane reality and thrust them into an arena of inspiration and escapism. It’s essentially a better word for “cool”, or “groovy” and I’m hopeful that Merriam Webster will return my many letters requesting it’s addition to her dictionary. She’s still alive, right?

Fun Fact: Noah Webster was a dude and so was George Merriam.

Fun Fact: Noah Webster was a dude and so was George Merriam.

Something about the songs, in that live atmosphere, is so freeing. As they were playing, a sort of surreal feeling took me out of a coffee shop and into their music. It’s how I would imagine LSD is supposed to feel. Otherworldly and relaxing. Not so much the clawing at invisible bugs and stuff. (Or is that pcp?)

It’s late, and I don’t really have a whole lot else to say about the evening, but please go and check out this band, and get ready for the next time they come through. It’s not something anyone should miss.


tl;dr: Listen.To.Flashbulb.Fires.

Derek PorterfieldComment