Read this book. Do it

I’ve just finished reading “The Name of the Wind” by Patrick Rothfuss. I tend to throw myself into hyperbole when telling others about whatever the latest book I’m reading happens to be, but this particular novel, cannot be overhyped. It is the best piece of literature I’ve ever read. 

And I’ve read at least 4 books.

That doesn’t even include several lengthy graphic novels. 

You could say I’m kind of a book person...or a literary...librarian. Or something.

I’m not into giving summaries and even if I were, I know I couldn’t ever do this justice. Please go pick up this book. Today. (Here) The writing style is meticulous and fresh. Rothfuss manages to sound intelligently witty while avoiding the pitfalls of English-Major-snobbery. The characters are engaging, and real. Nothing has been done without care and it shows on every single page. 

This is a trilogy, of which, there are only 2 books out and a short story within the same universe. I’m starting the second book “A Wise Man’s Fear” this evening with a glass of Saint Arnold’s no. 8 and I seriously can’t wait. 

So why do I care if you read this book? Well, my reasons are selfish. I figure, if I get both people that read my blog to read this book, they will get their friends and their friends and so on, until the publishing company feels satisfied with the readership and grants us the final novel in this trilogy.

They are the overlords holding happiness and joy in their cruel, lifeless hands. 

But they could ask for my left arm and I’d be fine. I just need one to hold the third book.

tl;dr: This book is probably too long for you, then.

Link to the book:

BUY THE BOOK and satisfy the publishing gods.

(If you buy through links on the site it will likely give me a small commission that helps keep the site running and almost buys me a latte sometimes. So thanks)

Derek Porterfield