

I am a father, a musician, an author, a filmmaker, and a computer nerd. In fewer words, I’m a 34 year old that has never felt as though I grew up. I am also exceptionally lucky to be able to chase my weird dreams, spend more time being a parent, and make cool videos of pretty much whatever I think is interesting at the moment. I hope you dig it as much as I have. If you don’t, please share it with someone you dislike. (READ STUFF I WROTE)

Take Awesome

Every single person you know has a camera in their pocket completely capable of taking BANGER portraits. Use your phone. Use that Canon Rebel grandma gave you last summer. Use the film gear your college is about to throw out. Nicer gear helps, I’ll list mine, but just start. That’s the driving idea behind this site. Do first. Make adjustments later. Below you can find some presets I’ve created and used on my own photos and tutorials for edits I make that I hope are useful. Don’t just trust me, Use this as a starting point and screw around til you dig what you see.


(click for all presets)

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"Derek is outrageously unattractive, but some would say he is also talented."

— Nick Schmitto - Producer


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Derek Porterfield
And All of His Friends

Like so many young men before me, I picked up a guitar not in the interest of any particular song or the desire to learn a new skill. I just wanted to impress girls. Though it didn’t exactly offset my terrible personality, I am forever grateful for the therapeutic and lifelong joy the instrument has brought me. I’ve released 5 studio albums. Three under the moniker “An Autumn Rain” and one as the too-long-to-be-SEO-friendly “Derek Porterfield and All of His Friends”. My latest full length release, titled honestly, “I don’t like me either” was released in 2020. The newest single is “I don’t think”.